Your company profits from selling high-tech medical products

Your clients purchase safety and comfort of advanced technologies

The path to sales can be one-size-fits-all
and guarantee mutual well-being to the client and the salesperson
Module method of coaching combined with Soft Skills in sales ensures
the increase in revenue
and guarantees the feeling of confidence regardless of circumstances
What will you get from this programme?
You will do the shortcut from advanced technology to safety
and comfort

You will master how to close a deal with a sale

You will establish durable 'company-product-client' links

Your sales process will become more profitable

Your revenue will increase

This programme is for you if you are working

in the context of:
Highly competitive market

Import substitution

Widely available generics and replicas

Long sales cycle and limited access
to decision-makers

Costly marketing tools

Geographically dispersed sales team
High-technology product creates comfort and safety for the client

While trying to come to a decision, the client compares your product and company with your competitors

We will show how to put your client into
the state of comfort for him to choose your product with confidence

Programme structure

Step 1 - Module selection

Step 2 - Coaching
in the sales context of your product
Step 3 - Post-training support

Step 1-Module selection
Diagnostics of current sales situation with Sales Director/BD manager - FOC

Identification of basic problems
and sales goal-setting

Selection of programme modules
Step 2-Coaching in the sales
context of your product
Practicing chosen modules with your sales team

Case analysis
Step 3-Post-training support
Practical implementation
of negotiation skills

Guaranteed feedback from
the trainer and case analysis

Programme benefits

Tilda Publishing
Our training course provides you with a customised sales model to strike deals in a short timeframe

You will customise sales strategy to your sales accounts and to your product portfolio

You will get qualified salesforce with possibility
to advance sales regardless of product

Post-training feedback allows your company to timely
re-adjust your sales situation


Your product lies in the spectrum of original high-tech medical brands

You have a sales team and marketing tools at your disposal

You are eager to invest 1,5-2 workdays in staff education

The trainees are ready to practice sales cases under sales manager's supervision

Your sales team is able to deliver functional feedback to the trainer

Custom programme for your business
based on selected modules

Pre-training preparation comprised
of home tasks sent by the traine

The product portfolio provided
by BD manager/Sales Director
as a basis for the course

Tilda Publishing
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Interactive in-class training with sales team based on real cases
(chosen from step 1)

Practical implementation of selling skills in the sales field

Sales Director/BD manager delivers functional feedback to the trainer

Post-training support: feedback analysis

Recommendations from the trainer
to implement in sales negotiations

Consultation on module selection
- free of charge

The programme price
depends on the modules combination

Post-training support
is provided for all clients

Founder of Business_Elegence

Author of the Module Method of coaching
in the context of sales of high-tech medical product
7-year experience in emergency surgery
Dozens of high-tech medical products used in practice
Certified trainer of Talent Acquisition Professionals
(TAP) Learning and Development
Author of 2 functioning sales training programmes
for EMEA Emerging Markets

Certified more than 5000 sales managers
Conducted more than 50 training sessions

What do you get
By acquiring sales coaching skills,
you get the opportunity to incorporate
the client as a partner in your deal

'Marketing from the heart'
as a part of coaching in sales
ensures long-term partnership with your client

We are confident in the quality
and effectiveness of this product

100% success in sales
is guaranteed

100% refund is envisaged
in case the programme does not work,
as long as all the guidelines are followed

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